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Philosophy as a Way of Life: History, Dimensions, Directions // Matthew Sharpe, Michael Ure

2021, Bloomsbury, 424 sayfa

DİZİ: Re-inventing Philosophy as a Way of Life

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Bir yaşam biçimi olarak felsefe konusunda yazılmış ilk giriş kitabı.

Socrates ve Platon'dan ortaçağ, rönesans ve aydınlanma dönemi filozoflarına, oradan Schopenhauer ve Nietzsche ve Foucault'ya ve Hadot'ya kadar tarih boyunca felsefi düşüncenin gündelik yaşamdaki dönüşümleri üzerine ne gibi pratiklerin önerildiğini inceliiyor. 

Kitap aynı zamanda antik döneme has olan felsefenin yaşam biçimi olarak görülmesi geleneğinin çağdaş dünyada sahip olduğu gücü ve önemi de açığa çıkarıyor.



Part 1: The Ancients
Ch. 1. Socrates and the Inception of Philosophy as a Way of Life
1.1 the atopia of Socrates
1.2 a founding exception
1.3 Socrates contra the Sophists
1.4 the elenchus as a spiritual exercise
1.5 care of the psyche
1.6 the sage and the Socratic paradoxes
1.7 the Socratic legacy

Ch. 2. Epicureanism: Philosophy as a Divine Way of Life
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Epicureanism as a way of life, therapy, and of writing
2.3 the turn inwards: against empty opinions, unnatural and unnecessary desires
2.4 Epicurus' revaluation of happiness, pleasure and the good
2.5 the gods and the figure of the sage
2.6 the four-fold cure, and physics as a spiritual exercise
2.7 spiritual exercises in the garden
2.7` Criticisms

Ch. 3. Stoicism: Philosophy as the Art of Living
3.1 Wisdom, knowledge of things human and divine, and an art of living
3.2 The Socratic lineage: dialectic, the emotions, and the sufficiency of virtue  
3.3 From Musonius Rufus to Seneca
3.4 Epictetus' Paranetic Discourses, and his Handbook
3.5 Marcus Aurelius' Meditations (Ta Eis Heauton)
Ch. 4. Platonisms as Ways of Life
4.1 Introduction: Platonisms
4.2 From Arcesilaus to Pyrrhonism: scepticism as a way of life
4.3 Cicero: the philosopher as rhetorician and physician of the soul
4.4 Plotinus' philosophical mysticism
4.5 Boethius and the end of ancient philosophy

Part 2: medievals and early moderns
Ch. 5. Philosophy as a way of life in the middle ages
5.1 On Christianity as “philosophy”
5.2 Monastic philosophia, and the Christianisation of spiritual exercises
5.3 Scholasticism, the theoreticisation of philosophia, & the ascendancy of dialectic
5.4 Counter-strains: from Abelard to Dante's Il Convivio

Ch. 6. The Renaissance of Philosophy as a Way of Life
6.1 Philosophy, the humanisti, and the ascendancy of rhetoric
6.2 Petrarch's Christian-Stoic medicines of the mind
6.3 Montaigne: The essayist as philosopher
6.4 Justus Lipsius' Neostoicism

Ch. 7.  Cultura Animi in Early Modern Philosophy
7.1 The end of PWL (again)?
7.2 Francis Bacon: the Idols and the Georgics of the mind
7.3 On Descartes, Method and Meditations

Ch. 8. Figures of the philosophe in the French enlightenment
8.1 “The philosophe
8.2 Voltaire and the view from Sirius
8.3 Diderot and his Seneca

Part 3: the moderns
Interlude: The Nineteenth Century Conflict between PWL and University Philosophy

Ch. 9. Schopenhauer: Philosophy as the Way Out of Life
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Philosophy against sophistry (again)
9.3 Two cheers for Stoicism
9.4 The Saint versus the Sage
9.5 Schopenhauerian salvation

Ch. 10. Nietzsche: Philosophy as the Return to Life
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Nietzsche's metaphilosophical meditations
10.3 Nietzsche's philosophy as a spiritual exercise
10.4 Nietzsche's spiritual exercise: eternal recurrence
10.5 Conclusion

Ch. 11. Foucault'sReinvention of Philosophy as a Way of Life
11.1 Philosophical heroism: Foucault's Cynics
11.2 Foucault's reinvention of Philosophy as a Way of Life
11.3 Genealogy as a spiritual exercise
11.4 Conclusion

1. PWL, today
2. History, declines and rebirths
3. Criticisms
4. PWL of the future?

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